Posted: September 13th, 2017

Discuss the Marshall Mcluhan?s proposition of ?Extension? and ?Amputation? in relation to ?new? convergent digital media platforms, and the developments in the consumption of content traditionally the domain of Television. You will be required to use your group?s video as a case study.

Discuss the Marshall Mcluhan?s proposition of ?Extension? and ?Amputation? in relation to ?new? convergent digital media platforms, and the developments in the consumption of content traditionally the domain of Television. You will be required to use your group?s video as a case study. (here?s the link to the video)
(This ?new? digital media platform must have an explicit and overt connection to the medium and content of television) (Min: 3000-3500 words or equivalent).

Assessment criteria:
You will be assessed on your ability to:

1. Identify a new digital technology/format/platform, which is appropriate to the assignment title:

2. Critically evaluate and discuss McLuhan?s theoretical propositions

3. Explore a wider range of related theoretical positions (Neil Postman & Raymond Williams are a good starting point!)

4. Discuss your chosen technology using an appropriate vocabulary. (YouTube)

This question will require the student to reflect critically upon there own personal engagement and interaction with digital media within specific theoretical paradigms.

Use theories from Marshall Mcluhan about Extensions and Amputations, Global Village, Extension desire and amputation fear. Post-phenomenological theories on the relation between human beings and technology,

From Cultural Skin to Cultural Therapeutics: media image experience

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