Posted: September 13th, 2017

discuss the role of neuroscience

Critically discuss the role of neuroscience for the selection and development of leaders.” (Dr. Lindebaum) “Performance management has been one of the most praised, most criticised and most debated management practices for decades” (Hutchinson, 2013). Critically analyse the reasons for this situation, and make recommendations as to how the practice of performance management can be improved. (Dr Simmons)

Order Description

7.1. Coursework assignment

Students should choose one of the two topics listed below:

Topic 1: “Critically discuss the role of neuroscience for the selection and development of leaders.” (Dr. Lindebaum)

Topic 2: “Performance management has been one of the most praised, most criticised and most debated management practices for decades” (Hutchinson, 2013). Critically analyse the reasons for this situation, and make recommendations as to how the practice of performance management can be improved. (Dr Simmons)

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