Posted: September 13th, 2017

Discuss this literary device of the 3 types of tragedies and how they interrelate.

1. The Iliad establishes 3 main structural and plot lines that are interrelated thematically, and make the piece a unified work.  They are:
a. the personal tragedy of Achilles
b. the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, a social tragedy
c. the relationships between the gods and men, a cosmic or universal tragedy

Discuss this literary device of the 3 types of tragedies and how they interrelate.

2. Oedipus the King is a classical tragedy that has many worthy interpretations. One of them states that the play is a warning to a generation which has embarked on an intellectual revolution.  Discuss the validity of this interpretation. How might this theme also relate to Genesis 3, the story of Adam and Eve and the tree of knowledge?

3. The ancient classical works we have read thus far appear to suggest a male dominated world, driven by questions about man’s role in the universe, and his connection with higher controlling forces in nature, or beyond the mortal realm.  These works suggest themes involving growth and/or pursuit of knowledge, power, and in some cases, even fame. Explain to what extent this is true of the Iliad and Oedipus the King; ALSO, what about Medea?

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