Posted: September 13th, 2017

Discussion Board #1

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Select an ethical violation of healthcare informatics. Using the ETHICAL model for ethical decision making in Chapter 5, pages 78-80 in the text by McGonigle & Mastrian, describe how the situation could have been handled differently. (pdf of ETHICAL Model attached above.)

Information sharing is extremely important in any learning experience. Your fellow classmates are excellent resources for information and different perspectives. Previous students have asked for more of an opportunity to collaborate and share views on certain topics, such as ethics and quality improvement initiatives. For those reasons I have incorporated two Discussion Board assignments addressing those topics this semester.
Each student is required to post a brief (one paragraph) response to the posted assignment. In addition, students may respond to others’ postings. Although APA format is not required in discussion boards, the use of good grammar and spelling is expected. Responses to others should address concerns they raise without engaging in personal challenges. Keep postings brief and to the point. Be respectful of others’ ideas and comments by choosing your words carefully, considering how the reader might interpret them.
Grades will be assigned based on the quality of your response to the assignment and feedback provided to other students on the discussion board. Please hit “submit” on this clinical application so that I can assign your grade. My comments will be on the Discussion Board.

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