Posted: April 7th, 2015

Discussion Chapter

Discussion Chapter

Order Description

In this chapter, the discussion and conclusion and recommendation Have to be done by answer the following research questions:

research questions:
1. What are the major educational concepts, between Western scholarship and traditional Islamic scholarship? 15 pages, each concept 2-3 pages
2. What is the contribution of Islamic scholarship in Western scholarship?2-3 pages
3. What contribution to thinking about gifted education comes from a traditional Islamic perspective. 1-2 pages
4. What is the balance of influences (Western and Islamic) that Saudi educational system needs for a good policy on gifted education? 1-2 pages.

Also Write about the following sections, after answering the research questions:

5. Contribution of the Research to Existing Knowledge 1 page.
6. Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research. 1 page
7 Conclusions. 1-2 pages

Use references when it is need.

This is the purpose of the thesis, to unerstand every thing about it:

the purpose of the thesis is therefore to explore the balance of influences (Western and Islamic) that Saudi needs for a sound education policy and implementation strategy in the area of gifted education. As such, it will engage in a literature review of gifted education in Western scholarship, uncovering major themes, and then attempt to find similar themes in traditional Islamic scholarship. In addition, it will explore the contribution of Islamic scholarship generally in Western scholarship in order to illustrate that there is a history of interface between the two scholarships.

In order to achieve the objectives, the thesis hopes to find a measure of parity and a mutual relationship between the two scholarships, such that Saudi education can both apply Western research about gifted education and, at the same time, re-discover some of the roots of its own Islamic scholarship around the issue of giftedness. The study will employ qualitative methodology, specifically document and conceptual analysis, and forms of historiography in order to achieve its goals.

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