Posted: September 16th, 2017

Discussion: It takes an Expert

Discussion: It takes an Expert

Question: Do you have process that no one really understands unless you ask someone how to do it?  For example, how hard is it for you to log onto a computer and see your performance measures?  Does your organization have data that you need in order to make a decision, but you have no idea how to get the data?
If I ask you to tell me your organization’s key strategies for the next five years, do you know them….or even know where to look for them.
If I ask you for your daily revenues (sales), do you know how to get them or do you have to call someone in accounting.

Do you know if your customers like you?  How hard is it for you to find out, and why do you have to ask someone?

If you had difficulty with any of the above–plus many other possible questions—how can your organization be focused on value creation when internal processes are problematic?

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