Posted: September 16th, 2017

Discussion Question 1

Discussion Question 1

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on acids, bases, and salts that are used in therapeutic processes.

On the basis of your research, respond to the following:

•Define an acid, base, and salt as they apply to chemistry.

•State three examples each of acids, bases, and salts commonly used in therapeutic processes.

•From the examples you state, select one acid, one base, and one salt and describe specifically how and where they are used in therapeutic processes.

Discussion Question 2

Using the Internet, research on buffered aspirin.

On the basis of your research, respond to the following:

•Define a buffer and explain how a buffer works.

•Analyze and explain the buffer system in buffered aspirin (carboxylic acid).
:  Topic Chemistry in health care..<br /> Use the book of Chemistry of Karen Timberlake 10 Edition for reference too please if you can.

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