Posted: April 15th, 2015

diversity in work(culture,religion,color..)

Research Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric

0.General parameters of the paper are as follows: Approximately eight pages total not including cover page and reference page. Cover page in front and reference page at end are additional and mandatory. 12 point Times New Roman font. Lines double spaced, one inch margins all the way around. Cover page should include the title of your research project, your name, and the section number of the class (or day of the week we convene). Use Section Headings for each section described below, with no more than one double-spaced line between Section Headings and the next paragraph. Reference page can be in any style of your choosing. If you need help, try an internet source such as Son of Citation Machine ( ) Internet citations are to be included. (2 ½ points.)

1.INTRODUCTION: First section should introduce the topic of your research. It is always interesting to the reader why you chose this topic. E.g., “My research project is focusing on college students who have young children at home. I am interested in this topic because I am a parent and I have recently decided to go back to school and work on earning a degree. I believe there are challenges I face that the average college student does not. I am also interested in what types of things might be put into place to help students with young children at home succeed.” (2 ½ points)

2.RESEARCH QUESTION(S): Second section should spell out precisely the research question that you are trying to answer. This is presented as a question, and thus ends in a question mark. Your research question is derived from your research topic, but is now specific and narrowed to a question you can potentially answer in your research.

HYPOTHESES: Your research question should be directly followed by your hypotheses. Hypotheses are your pre-research ideas on what the potential answers are to your research question. Hypotheses are statements. The sentences end with periods. A hypothesis is something that you test. E.g.: My hypotheses are:
(H1): Students who have children at home have less time to devote to their studies.
(H2): They have more difficulty managing their time.
(H3): Onsite childcare is helpful in providing study time in the library or student lounge area.”

EXPLANATION OF VARIABLES: Finally, in this section you should explain your variables, identifying both the dependent and the independent variables, and how you would potentially measure them. (30 points)

3.METHODS: This next section is the methods sections. It describes how you went about testing your hypothesis or hypotheses – the way you gathered information. E.g., you read several articles; you studied the results of an existing research project that has been reported; you interviewed people and summarized their responses. E.g., in the case of gathering your data through interviews using the above hypotheses, the questions you might ask have will to do with how much time a student is able to spend uninterrupted with their studies and homework, how pressured they feel in managing their time, how accountable they are to other’s time schedules, and so forth. Then you might ask if that person has young children and if so, how many. Also do they have a spouse at home that helps significantly in the childcare? Finally, you might ask, what would best help then to succeed in your college career that the college could provide? You should use a minimum of 5 information sources that represent at least 3 different types, e.g., internet article, journal articles, a popular periodical, internet blogs, online news sources; e-journals, videos, small survey, interviews. If you conduct your own survey or interviews, please include a description in this section. These will count as one source. (5 points)

4.RESULTS: Report what you have discovered and learned. It presents all that you have learned from researching this question. If you did your own survey or interviews, explain in this section the results of the survey or interviews.

CONCLUSIONS: Conclude with an assessment of the support for your hypotheses. Were they supported, or were they not supported? (30 points)

5.PRESENTATION: It is required to participation in paper presentations – both presenting your own work and engaging while others present their work. (5 points)

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