Posted: September 17th, 2017

Diversity paper. Please select an organization that is successfully pursuing strategies that include aspects of diversity that have been discussed in the readings or in class. Management, 10th Edition, Daft, R.L. Cengage, South-Western College Publishing (link placed above)


  • Teamwork paper. Write a two-page double-spaced paper to describe your experience working in a team and use the concepts learned in the class to explain the dynamics in your team.

Source: Management, 10th Edition, Daft, R.L. Cengage, South-Western College Publishing

Online version:


  • Diversity paper. Please select an organization that is successfully pursuing strategies that include aspects of diversity that have been discussed in the readings or in class. Management, 10th Edition, Daft, R.L. Cengage, South-Western College Publishing (link placed above)

Write a two page double-spaced paper describing how the diversity-related issues are being addressed and how these tactics are contributing to organizational success. Also, please describe the costs and benefits of these programs.

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