Posted: September 13th, 2017


A.  Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels, that demonstrates the process of DNA replication of the leading and lagging strands.

Note: Including the following components can aid in demonstrating this process: DNA, replication fork, helicase, single-stranded binding proteins, 5’ and 3’ ends of DNA, primase, RNA primer, DNA polymerase, and Okazaki fragments. Additionally, providing a brief description of the functions of the enzymes can clarify their role in your diagram.

B.  Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels, that demonstrates the role of the ligase enzyme in the replication of the lagging strand.

Note: Including the following components can aid in demonstrating this process: DNA, Okazaki fragments, and DNA ligase. Additionally, providing a brief description of the functions of the enzymes can clarify their role in your diagram.

C.  Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels, that demonstrates each of the following:

●  the process of transcription

●  the process of translation

●  how mRNA connects the processes of transcription and translation

Note: Including the following components can aid in demonstrating these processes: DNA, mRNA, RNA polymerase, nucleus, ribosome, tRNA, amino acids, and growing protein/polypeptide. Additionally, providing a brief description of the functions of the enzymes can clarify their role in your diagram.

D.  Explain the role of RNA polymerase inhibition in causing the poisonous effect of the death cap mushroom.

E.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment.
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