Posted: July 18th, 2015


Question 1 Explain the principles underlying Weber’s law. Describe why it is important. Please answer the question, using your textbook, as well as any other external sources. While you should rely on your textbook as a source, your answer should reflect your own understanding of the material. Therefore, you should use direct quotations from the book sparingly. Your answer should be a minimum of 275 words. Please include APA style in-text citations and references.

Path: pWords:0 25 points

Question 2 Contrast the methods of phrenology, ablation, the clinical method, and electrical stimulation. Focus on the methods by which each seeks to promote understanding of localization of brain function. Please answer the question, using your textbook, as well as any other external sources. While you should rely on your textbook as a source, your answer should reflect your own understanding of the material. Therefore, you should use direct quotations from the book sparingly. Your answer should be a minimum of 275 words. Please include APA style in-text citations and references.

Path: pWords:0 25 points

Question 3 Briefly describe William Wundt s major contributions to the field of psychology. Also, consider and discuss what it would have been like to be a student in Wundt s Laboratory. Please answer the question, using your textbook, as well as any other external sources. While you should rely on your textbook as a source, your answer should reflect your own understanding of the material. Therefore, you should use direct quotations from the book sparingly. Your answer should be a minimum of 275 words. Please include APA style in-text citations and reference

Path: pWords:0 25 points

Question 4 Describe phrenology and analyze the scientific evidence supporting this approach. Then, describe briefly how it was marketed to the general public? Please answer the question, using your textbook, as well as any other external sources. While you should rely on your textbook as a source, your answer should reflect your own understanding of the material. Therefore, you should use direct quotations from the book sparingly. Your answer should be a minimum of 275 words. Please include APA style in-text citations and references. Path: pWords:0 Preferred language style US English

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