Posted: September 13th, 2017

Does the implementation of the web-based software Read Naturally improve oral reading fluency?


Write a 3-5 page literature survey related to your research question or thesis statement. Your textbook (McMillan, 2012) includes an excellent definition of, and step-by-step instructions for, writing a literature review in Chapter Three. Use the following instructions to complete your literature survey.

In addition to the research articles you found earlier this week, locate and use 2-5 additional sources related to your research question or thesis statement.
Analyze the literature and write a scholarly review of the 5-8 sources as they pertain to your question/statement.
Use the Sample Literature Review and the APA Checklist as guidelines for your writing. The Sample Literature Review is a full review from a thesis paper. For this assignment, your literature survey only needs to be 3-5 pages (double spaced, 12 point, APA format). You will expand on this survey in your M.Ed. capstone research course.
Use the Literature Survey Template to write your literature survey.

Include a reference page with proper APA style and formatting.
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