Posted: September 14th, 2017

E-Z Window Company

E-Z Window Company
The woodshop building of the E-Z Window Company is undergoing major re-layout in order to reduce backtracking and decrease flow distances.

A flow diagram of the frame-manufacturing operation and an REL chart for nonflow factors in the operation is shown on page 535 of your text. You will need to construct and present multiple charts and tables supporting your responses to these questions:

a. Construct a from-to chart based on flow-diagram data. What is the meaning of the notation that quantities are in unit loads? Explain by referring to a few examples on the chart.
b. What proportion of total flow on your from-to chart represents backtracking? How does that proportion depend on your chosen order of listing activities on the chart? What does your chosen order of listing activities imply about the final layout arrangement?
c. Convert the flow volume data in your from-to chart to a vowel-rating scale; that is, identify which activity pairs (routes) should be rated A, E, I, O, and U.
d. Combine your vowel-rating data representing flow volumes with the non-flow-factor vowel ratings on the REL chart. Express the result in a new, combined REL chart.
e. Convert your combined REL chart into an activity-arrangement diagram.
f. Develop a space-relationship diagram for the eight activity areas.
g. Fit the eight activity areas into a square building without allowance for aisles, and son on. Make your layout as nearly optimal as you can.

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