Posted: September 3rd, 2013

early Disney movies (1940′s-1960′s) to current Disney movies (2009-2013).

This is a thesis Essay. The thesis statement is: "Because children of the 21st century have become more submerged in the fast paceness of technology, their attention spans are shorter, thus Disney movies in particular, have also become more action filled than they were when Disney movies first came out."
Give specific examples comparing early Disney movies (1940′s-1960′s) to current Disney movies (2009-2013).
In the comparisons, explain movie plot complexities of current disney movies compared to the simplicity of early Disney movies.
Also add how children’s attention spans have shortened due to technology. Do not make this the main focus of the paper and do not dwell on this topic too much, but mention it and devote at least one paragraph to this.
Please include works cited.
The source cannot be wikipedia. The source must be reliable and factual.
Also cover that the reason Disney movies are more complex and action packed is because they are trying to market towards children with extra short attention spans.

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