Posted: September 13th, 2017

Earth Science Questionbs to be answered

Earth Science Questionbs to be answered

Graded Assignment
Lab Report
Answer the questions below. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit.
(5 points)

1.    How would you describe the movement of the sun over 30 minutes?

(5 points)

2.    You have two sun sticks. One is 2 m long; the other is 5 m long. You place a mark 1 m up from the ground on both sticks. Does the length of the sun stick affect the distance the mark moves? Explain your answer.

(5 points)

3.    How would the length of the shadow at noon compare with the length of the shadow in the late afternoon?

(5 points)

4.    Based on your observations, which way does earth rotate—from east to west, or west to east? Explain your answer.

Your Score    ___ of 20

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