Posted: September 14th, 2017

Eastern Orthodox Beliefs

Eastern Orthodox Beliefs

Topic: Describe the key beliefs of Eastern Orthodoxy.Describe only the beliefs – you don’t need to describe their practices or authority structure.(Ware, pp. 11-30; 195-207; 245-306 &Adair, pp. 332-335 print {e-book pp. 555-560}).In order to write each essay, you must read the assigned text. No outside research is required.

In two-three pages you are not expected to summarize all of the material in the assigned reading. Rather, the goal is to write a cohesive essay that responds to the essay prompt.

Topic: Describe the key beliefs of Eastern Orthodoxy.Describe only the beliefs – you don’t need to describe their practices or authority structure.(Ware, pp. 11-30; 195-207; 245-306 &Adair, pp. 332-335 print {e-book pp. 555-560}).In order to write each essay, you must read the assigned text. No outside research is required.

In two-three pages you are not expected to summarize all of the material in the assigned reading. Rather, the goal is to write a cohesive essay that responds to the essay prompt.

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