Posted: September 16th, 2017

eBusiness Strategy 1. Amazon’s 1-Click® ordering and its effect on online purchasing

eBusiness Strategy


1. Amazon’s 1-Click® ordering and its effect on online purchasing is an example of which Internet-related relationship?


a. Buyer-seller-policy maker


b. Buyer-seller


c. Buyer-technology-seller


d. Technology-policy


2. combines several major airlines into a one-stop online reservation site. This is an example of a(n):


a. strategic alliance.


b. strategic network.


c. intranet.


d. extranet.


3. Keeping the Internet free from tax policies applied to off-line transactions:


a. is a better option for buyers.


b. gives online retailers a competitive advantage.


c. means less sales and use tax revenue for the states.


d. All of the above


4. Strategies for competing in the Internet product market are based upon:


a. specialization and generalization.


b. ecology and competitiveness.


c. communication and interactivity.


d. market segmentation and competition.


5. Which of the following Internet resources can specifically add value through leveraging?


a. Image and link exchange


b. Loyalty and improvement


c. Advertising and communication


d. Content, channel, and communication


6. A Web site link that points to a particular page is called a:


a. backlink.


b. backward link.


c. forward link.


d. reciprocal link.


7. Your company purchased 250,000 online advertising impressions and made an average net profit per sale of its product of $5. With statistical averages of 3% for click-through and 4% for company turnover, the expected return on your investment is:


a. $6,000.


b. $3,500.


c. $1,500.


d. $60.


8. A market that emphasizes products and services necessary to the manufacturing and sales of products in a specific industry are known as:


a. procurement markets.


b. vertical markets.


c. horizontal markets.


d. B2C markets.


9. __________ intermediaries connect buyers and sellers when fragmentation is high on both sides of the market.


a. Aggregator


b. Auctioneer


c. Exchange


d. Market-making


10. Which of the following is NOT a key shift in business activity with regard to ongoing relational exchange?


a. From products to people


b. From competition to cooperation


c. From stand-alone to networked


d. From transactions to collaboration

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