Posted: September 14th, 2015

Economic issues faced by many families in America


For this activity, you will read about some of the economic issues faced by many families

in America. In order to complete this assignment: First, locate, and read:

Heymann, J., Earle, A., Simmons, S., Breslow, S. M., &Kuehnhoff, A. (2004). The work,

family and equity index:

Where does the United States stand globally?

The Project on Global Working Families.

In a paper of roughly 2 pages (500-600 words) answer the following questions:

1. The US lags far behind other countries in providing decent working conditions for its citizens. What will it take for the US to change its public policies to ensure working families are guaranteed the same provisions as other countries?

Would you be apologetic, envious or suspicious of how much tax the EU pays for these benefits?

2. A. What US rating surprised you the most from the article “Where does the US stand globally”?

B. How does the US compare to the European Union (EU) in terms of early childhood education programs and social programs for families?

3. Does the US know how to create programs that will strengthen families?

4. If you were to write a letter to a local, state or national government official regarding a current family policy issue that is of interest to you what would it say?

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