Posted: December 4th, 2013

education for poor people

discussion essay about the topic above, following my plan below and the sources
1: Introduce the education for poor people.
3: Showing parts and points of education in Africa and China.
Body1: (St Jude’s)
Fighting poverty through education.
How poor people in Africa are more able to determine there future.
How free Western-style educate
poor children well.
Expanding education offers a real future.
Body2: (Education Education)
Lack of people who getting employed.
obsessing school and how it will effect students.
Worthless diplomas.
The purposefulness to get educated.
1) Summary:
Summarise the topic, main ideas, and the to cases that shown in body one and body two.
2) Recommendation: tell the reader what the writer
believes is the best action to take, considering the evidence in the essay.
You can write and refer to general knowledge but texts must
have primary importance (THE ATl’ACHMENT)
Please cite sources when referring to texts and make a list of references.
Thank you

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