Posted: September 16th, 2017

educational issues and concerns at both the national and international levels

educational issues and concerns at both the national and international levels

Paper details:

This Assignment is in TWO (2) Parts: Part A and Part B.

PART A (20 Marks)

The Task:

This assignment in Part A will give you the opportunity to read and critically review the issue of rethinking the pattern of external policy referencing with regards to dissemination of media discourses in three (3) different countries.

The Assignment:
Read the assigned article and answer the question below:

Waldow, F, Takayama, K & Sung, Y.K. (2014). Rethinking the pattern of external policy referencing: Media discourses over the ‘Asian Tigers’ PISA success in Australia, Germany and South Korea. Comparative Education, 2014, Vol. 50, No. 3, 302-321.

Question 1
Using your own words, write a critical review of the article.
Your Article Review should comprise the following aspects:
? A summary of the article
? A critique of the article [i.e. the strengths and limitations]
? A personal response on the issue.
? Conclusion

PART B (40 Marks)

Question 2
Objective of Assignment

The objective of this part of the assignment provides you the opportunity to compare and contrast a number of significant educational issues and concerns at both the national and international levels. You will be required to gather information from various sources and write an extended-response report of about 15-20 pages.

The Task: Writing a Comparative Study Report

Read the following topics and select ONE topic of your choice and interest.

Then compare and contrast the topic based on the given context.

1. A comparative analysis of the implementation of online learning in any TWO (2) educational institutions.
2. A comparative study on developing literacy for struggling readers in a private and public school.
3. A comparative analysis of how creativity and innovation are nurtured in two institutions of higher learning (Choose any TWO (2) institutions of higher learning).
4. The use of technology enhanced classrooms in a public and a private institution of higher learning.
5. A critical look at Instructional Leadership in enhancing student achievement in TWO (2) developing countries. (Choose any TWO (2) developing countries).
6. Compare and contrast Teaching Pedagogical Standards of any TWO (2) countries located in South East Asia.
7. Issues and concerns in Teacher Education between developing and developed countries. (Choose any ONE (1) country from each category).
8. A comparative study of parental involvement in school educational programme in two developing countries. (Choose any TWO (2) developing countries).
9. A critical look at preventive measures taken against cyber bullying in schools or institutions of higher learning between nations in the East and West. (Choose any ONE (1) country from each category).

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