Posted: July 22nd, 2015

Effective Project Delivery

Describe the main phases of the project life cycle. Critically discuss where in this life cycle failures may occur and explain how effective project management could reduce the risk of failure in the project.

Assessment Criteria:

Application of PM Practices: Description of the life cycle
Reflective analysis of the use of PM practices
Presentation & Structure

Sub- Assessment Criteria:

Consistency in your arguments
Clear structure on the essay
Correct understanding of the project life cycle (i.e. benefits, and limitations)
Clarity and depth of your evaluation
Good use of evidence and/or assumptions throughout the coursework

The work should be equivalent to a 2,000 word essay. .

You should include appropriate references and a bibliography presented in Harvard format.

–Tables, graphs & diagrams not in word count

Suggested Essay Structure:

Project Definition
Role of Project Manager
Application of PM Practices: Description of PLC
4 Stage of PLC
Benefits and Limitation of PLC
Reflection on your own Project or on Literature


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