Posted: September 16th, 2017

Effects of Fog on Distance and Speed Perception

Effects of Fog on Distance and Speed Perception
Imagine you are driving your car on a foggy evening. There is another car in front of you driving at an acceptable speed. The driver of the car in front of you applies the breaks and you apply yours. You believe you have remained behind at what seems to be a safe distance and have slowed down at what seems to be an appropriate speed. However, you suddenly rear-end the car in front of you.
Think about what might have happened to your distance and speed perception and whether the fog had something to do with hampering your judgment.
Read the following two articles regarding the effect of fog on distance and speed perception:
Brooks, J. O., Crisler, M. C., Klein, N., Goodenough, R., Beeco, R. W., Guirl, C., . . . Beck, C. (2011). Speed choice and driving performance in simulated foggy conditions. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43(3), 698–705. Retrieved from Caro, S., Cavallo, V., Marendaz, C., Boer, E. R., & Vienne, F. (2009). Can headway reduction in fog be explained by impaired perception of relative motion? Human Factors, 51(3), 378–392. edu/content/51/3/378.full.pdf+html” rel=”nofollow”> the above articles, as well as your textbook and module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, explain the sensation and perception processes that led you to misjudge the distance and speed in foggy conditions.
Be sure to address the following in your response:
What was the path that the image of the car took through the visual system? What are the perceptual processes involved in depth (distance) perception and speed (movement) perception?

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