Posted: April 20th, 2016

ehavior. Cite your references in APA format.??

Question 1
Deliverable Length: 5 10 PowerPoint slides / can include an Excel file for financial analysis
Choose a public company in the food industry. Analyze the financial statements and assess whether the financial performance has improved or declined year over year.
Analysis techniques include the following:
comparative financial statements
trend analysis
ratio analysis
percentage analysis

Presentation of 5 10 PowerPoint slides that includes the following:
At least 3 slides relevant to the analysis prepared
An analysis of the performance of the firm based on the analysis tools used
A summary of the company s financial performance and assessment of whether it has improved or declined year over year in terms of profitability, asset utilization, and liquidity

Background on Course Research Requirements: In the business world, it is important to use research to strengthen points made in presentations and projects. Learning to use the search functions in databases for research is a crucial critical thinking skill that complements other research techniques.
There are two main types of databases. You must stay away from inferior Web sites with anonymous writers; articles found on consultant Web sites, and materials on Web sites that are not reputable. Dictionaries and encyclopedias most often repeat the information from textbooks. Acceptable Internet resources include, among others, government sites (especially for statistics). Wikipedia or any open source Web sites are not permitted.

Question 2

Deliverable Length: 1 2 pages

Many corporations and government entities have an internal auditing function and a separate fraud investigation function either as a subunit of internal auditing or security or as a separate unit within the organization. In addition, many accounting and consulting firms have a forensic, investigation, and litigation support services.

The financial forensic investigation techniques and procedures used within an organization (in house) or from a professional contracted service firm can come about in different ways. For example, some forensic techniques for analyzing financial statements are common for financial auditors, fraud auditors, or forensic accountants and investigators. Other techniques, such as using behavior detection methods and interviewing methods, are primarily used in specific fraud investigation engagements.
Please post an answer to the following questions. Support your answers with academic or real life criminal justice examples to accentuate your point. Also, you must provide at least 1 feedback post to one of your classmates.

Research and locate a company who was audited by an outside source and explain the method, technique, and findings of an audit.
Do you think that it is a wise investment to contract services that provide security against fraud or should it be an in house department that provides fraud security services?

Include additional information that you think is appropriate or interesting concerning ethical or unethical business behavior.
Cite your references in APA format.

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