Posted: November 18th, 2014

Ella's Family

Ella’s Family

Outline with this as the scenario-Grandmother Ella has been dealing with cancer for years now and has tried alternative remedies and juicing. She went into remission

for some time, but now the cancer has returned and she is in the hospital. Her husband, of American Indian descent, has his ideas about what needs to be done as Ella

comes to the end of her life. Ella has her preferences, though she is now so weak that she has given up in many ways. The family members are each experiencing their

own fears and are grieving as they face the loss that will occur as Ella’s life comes to a close. Ella prefers to die at home and has felt stressed by the discord and

discomfort of family members since being hospitalized. Provide a thorough introductory paragraph that summarizes your topic and includes a succinct thesis statement.

Briefly outline each of the topics and subtopics and detail how they pertain to the questions noted in the instructions. Include an annotated bibliography of at least

five scholarly sources. For each source, provide a complete reference, a brief description, and a rationale statement that explains how it is pertinent to your paper

and supports your findings. Such items I would like in this outline are: cultural and social issues, relevant medical issues, psychological and social issues , the

impact of each person in the family.


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