Posted: September 13th, 2017


(This is my research question to my paper)
Question: What is Emily Dickinson’s poem “Some Keep the Sabbath.” trying to tell us?

My working thesis: In this poem Emily Dickinson’s speaker illustrates how joyful and fulfilling it is to worship God in one’s chosen way and by doing so, can achieve much more personal happiness and satisfaction as opposed to the inescapable pressures and disciplines that the church and modern religion have been known to impose on its parishioners. Although written in the mid-nineteenth century, Dickinson’s keen use of metaphors allows a continuing insight to the meaning of freedom of religion. On the surface of the poem, the metaphors of nature and small birds Dickinson has chosen to use almost seem humorous, but are perfect in making a contrast between the conventional confides of the church with the outdoors and the nature that God has created.

Approach to the paper: Dickinson’s skepticism about organized religion is front and center here…

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church —
I keep it, staying at Home —
With a Bobolink for a Chorister —
And an Orchard, for a Dome —

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice —
I just wear my Wings —
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton — sings.

God preaches, a noted Clergyman —
And the sermon is never long,
so instead of getting to Heaven, at last —
I’m going, all along.

The poem is a series of comparisons between being devout in the conventional way (going to church) and the speaker’s idea of praising God (by communing with nature).

She listens to bird songs instead of a choir and enjoys the canopy of the trees in the orchard instead of the domed ceiling of a church. Stanza three is especially strong, with notes of sarcasm. She observes that her preacher (God himself) is also a “noted clergyman.” That would be a slight understatement.

The last two lines also show a marked difference in definitions of what heaven is. Is it a place we go after death because we’ve attended church? Or is it a place we can be while here on earth?

Develop and submit a complete bibliography in correct MLA format for the research essay assignment, with at least four secondary sources (in addition to any primary sources). Sources should be selected from the Leatherby Library, the library’s online databases, or instructor-approved websites. Your bibliography should include:
1. Your topic and research question. (Though you have submitted it before, please include this at the top of this assignment as well.)
2. A properly formatted citation for each source, using MLA format.
3. A brief (2-3 sentences) description of each source and how you will use it in your essay
(This is a seperate from the paper that I need written)

(This is the paper instructions that I need written)
Please use the following as guideline for the work.
1. The TOPIC of your research essay must be a work of literature—either fiction (novels or
short stories, poetry, or drama). Once you choose a topic (the work you plan to examine),
you must also develop a question.
2. The paper will be at least 2000 words.
3. You will use at least four secondary sources in addition to the literary text or texts you
are analyzing. For our purposes, primary sources include the actual story, poem, or play
under discussion while the secondary sources are articles written about those texts.
4. All sources must be correctly documented in MLA style. Refer to your Hacker guide or
the Purdue Online Writing Lab ( for
reference to this.
5. Your paper will include both in-text (or parenthetical) citations and a Works Cited page.
This will not be included in your word count. All works you consult, including the
bibliographical information for the story, poem, or play must be included. For help,
please view:
In-text citations:
(You can stop listening at 4:00).
Works Cited Page:
6. You have many options for this paper. Choose something that you find interesting and
want to know more about.

Possible approaches (you may choose your own, but clear the topic with your instructor before
The best topics are those which originate in your own reading. Below are some possible
approaches to the research paper assignment. You may use either the fiction, poetry, or plays you
have read in this class to complete this assignment, or any other work of literature that you have
read on your own. Keep in mind that once you choose a topic, you must still develop your own

1. A reading of a work based on an outside philosophical perspective.
2. A study of a literary response to a particular work.
3. An analysis of a specific image occurring in several works.
4. A study of a particular author which goes beyond biography.
5. A “deconstruction” of a particular work.
6. A reading from a political perspective.
7. A close analysis comparing a film or stage version of a literary work.
8. The connection of art and literature.
9. A study of the social, political, or economic context in which an author’s work was
written — how does the context influence the work?

Thank you for your interest in our services. We can definitely help you with your homework. The price will depend though on the deadline, the quality level you prefer and other several factors. So we can help you with this!

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