Posted: September 13th, 2017

Employ a critical understanding of strategic theory and research to develop a strategy that maximises an organisation’s long term competitive potential”.

Employ a critical understanding of strategic theory and research to develop a strategy that maximises an organisation’s long term competitive potential”.

use the guideline added to the extra files, also could you use TESCO as the retailer, Thankyou

“Employ a critical understanding of strategic theory and research to develop a strategy that maximises an organisation’s long term competitive potential”.
Cover Sheet
Executive Summary;
One page maximum
It should summarise your findings.
(Not in word count)
What is strategy & strategic management in an increasing globalised, interconnected, complex and dynamic business environment?
How did this view of strategy & strategic management compare with your company’s approach to strategy?
In the light of this comparison how are you recommending the company addresses strategy and strategic management?
Why are you recommending they approach strategy & strategic management in this new way?

Contents Page
(follow the recognised report format guidelines)

Introduction; Key concepts; Approach; The company;

(roughly 1,200 words) are allocated for;
Understanding and clarifying the task.
Demonstrating conceptual and terminological clarity throughout.
(In other words describe and explain clearly what the task is asking you to do and make sure you demonstrate a clear understanding of the key concepts such as

globalisation; strategy; strategic management; normal risk; systemic risk; uncertainty; resilience in all its forms; ambidexterity; and dynamic capabilities etc.)

Discuss the historical development of strategy and strategic management and through a critical analysis of the literature produce a maximal concept of what strategic

management means today.
Also define / conceptualise a clear definition of all the key terms you will be using in the report (see above)
Also make your approach clear as to how you are addressing the overall task.

Introduce your chosen company giving a very brief outline of its history and growth pulling out the key strategic changes perhaps as bullet points (full history could

be an appendix).

Finally using the key terms, set out the aim and objectives of your report.

Existing strategy;
(roughly 2,400 words) are allocated for using relevant strategic theory and research in the literature to analyse and critically evaluate the overall approach your

company takes in its existing strategy in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. This involves a critical analysis of the impact globalisation will have; is having and

has had on the firm. Here you might discuss the types of risks the firm is facing in terms of normal risk; systemic risk and uncertainty. Examples need to be given of

specific challenges the company is facing in terms of normal risk; systemic risk and uncertainty.

In other words you might split this section into the various challenges the firm is facing in terms of normal risk; systemic risk and uncertainty.

This section should clearly outline the challenges the organisation faces and demonstrates how normal risk is transforming into systemic risk and uncertainty that

needs a new strategic approach.

Applied strategic management;
(roughly 2,400 words) are allocated for using relevant strategic theory and research in the literature to formulate improvements to sustain a strategically strong


This involves a producing a range of alternatives for developing resilience for long term survival; ambidexterity to prosper, grow and move forward and the development

of dynamic capabilities.

Each of these approaches needs evaluating in terms of their strengths and weaknesses for the company.

This section should show what the three forms of resilience would mean for this specific company; it should show how this company could develop ambidexterity in

different ways and a variety of ways of develing dynamic capabilities.

This section should advise how the firm should develop resilience, ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities from the alternatives outlined in the previous section. It

should also explain why this approach to strategy and strategic management should be adopted for this company.


Appendices – make sure that these are not longer than your main report


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