Posted: September 16th, 2017



Order Description

Reflection on Work-Related Learning (2000 words; + or – 10%)

Employer requirements for graduate skills and attributes are well documented. With reference to relevant reading of policies and theories, write a reflective review of your learning through work-placement. This should take account of skills and competencies identified by employers and the desirable graduate attributes identified by the University of Aberdeen.
You will be required to submit a single Word processed document which:
1. demonstrates knowledge of employer requirements for graduate skills and competencies
2. relates the employer requirements with the University of Aberdeen Graduate Attributes
3. provides evidence of reflecting on how you are developing these skills and attributes
4. identifies your short-term and long-term personal development goals and
5. identifies steps towards achieving these goals

Assessment Criteria:
• Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the range of employability skills identified by employers as valuable
• Demonstrate specific knowledge of the value employers place on skills in communication (written, oral and electronic), creativity, problem-solving and team-working
• Reflect critically on personal development of a selection of Aberdeen University Graduate Attributes
• Reflect critically on personal development of employability skills
• Inform thinking by drawing from course material, other relevant reading and from experiential learning in the workplace
• Present a clearly structured, evidenced and reasoned discussion

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