Posted: September 13th, 2017

End of Course MYTHS

End of Course MYTHS

Paper details:
Answer these 4 questions and add one reference to each question or more if need to. .
number them 1 and 2 , 3, 4 so I know which goes to what. Please write about 135 words each.
1) Describe one of your favorite movies in terms of mythical/ritual elements. Use terms you have learned in this course such as “hero myth,” “fertility ritual,”

“genre,” “mythic motif,” “apocalyptic hero,” etc. Your answer should:

a) Tell me which movie and mythical or ritual elements you are discussing.
b) Tell me why the movie appeals to you, that is, why is it a favorite of yours?
c) Consider whether the mythical elements contained within this movie are similar to ones you have read about in other myths, earlier in this course. That is, have the

mythical elements in your movie evolved from or remained the same as in earlier myths? Provide an example to illustrate your point.

2. Choose one myth from The British Isles OR Northern Europe AND one myth from the Africa OR The Americas (for a total of two myths). Then, compare and contrast these

myths, discussing how the geographical location of the myths affects the myths.

You should:
a) Identify which myth you are discussing from each geographical location.
b) Discuss how the geographic location affects the themes or details of each myth.
c) Discuss how the different geographical locations affect the various rituals and rites performed in each myth.

3Discuss key themes, mythical motifs, or mythical genres that you see appearing universally in myths, from the ancient times to the present. You should:

a) Tell me which key themes, mythical motifs, or mythical genres you are addressing.
b) Provide at least three examples of “myths” in which the elements you choose are present. (Listing the titles of movies or myths you read is all you need to do

c) Discuss how the key themes, mythical motifs, or mythical genres you are discussing are cultural standard-bearers, carrying the values, beliefs, dreams, desires,

longings, and needs of the society within them.

4. ) Take any ritual you have seen appearing universally throughout myths read in this course and:

a. Tell me which ritual you are addressing.
b. Discuss how the ritual functions within the myth. What does the ritual do? What is its purpose?
c. Discuss how the ritual reflects or shapes important issues in society today.
d. Discuss how the ritual shapes the myth, overall. That is, is the ritual a central focus of the myth? Would the myth be the same without the ritual?


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