Posted: September 13th, 2017

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Describe the inventions created at the hand of the world famous engineer
The invention that was created at the hand of the world’s most famous engineer was a mechanical movable printing machine. This was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, a German blacksmith, printer and publisher. He was the first person to use the movable type of printing in the year 1439. His contributions in this innovation included the use of oil-based ink, the use of a printing press made of wood and the invention of a movable mass-producing process. This innovation played a key role in the introduction of the mass communication era that altered the structure of the society permanently. This unrestricted the circulation of information and also increased the literacy levels eliminating the monopoly of the famous and elite literate in terms of education and learning which bolstered the emergence of the middle class (Vander 59).
Why are hand drawings skills important to becoming an inventor?
Hand drawings, usually, portray a record of the architect’s discovery. These may take the form of a simple short hand notation of either a design concept or even description details of a larger composition. This helps represent the reality and also capture a raw idea. Hand drawings act as reminders to ideas that lead to a recording that cannot be replicated by using a computer. As an inventor, there has to be a connection between the mind and the hand that is very clear in hand drawings. Hand drawings have the emotional content of a design. Hand drawings stimulate the imagination and allow the artist to speculate about ideas making the whole process of drawing an entertaining one (Christianson 99).
Describe the old engineering story about the invention sketched on a napkin
The story of an amazing invention sketched on a napkin was an invention of the helicopter. This sketch was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci in the year 1493. This was amazing because it was 450 years before an actual helicopter came to fly in the air. Da Vinci got this idea when he was examining the seeds of a maple tree. This is a seed most children play with, and it is characterized by spinning as it drops. The thought that he had was if it was possible for the seed to spin while rising up instead of spinning while falling. Another possible source of his idea might have been the Archimedes screw, a pump invented by Archimedes of Syracuse during the ancient Greek times.
How did da Vinci use his artistic talent to sell ideas?
Leonardo’s curiosity about everything in nature made him want to understand how everything worked. It’s from this desire that he got the motivation to put his effort in drawings to express his ideas to the world. His ideas were able to be seen by the world from his notebooks that he kept. He would draw anything at any time from very raw ideas. His artistic talent allowed him to be able to draw pictures that would impress almost everybody who saw them (Nichols, Catherine and Leonardo 118). The ideas were well-explained from the drawings, and it’s from this that people started recognizing him as a talented artist who brings up new ideas in the form of drawings. People were interested in his drawings and so his status as one of the greatest artists.
Describe da Vinci’s contributions to engineering innovation through his hand drawings
Da Vinci had broad interests, and he so often found himself compelled by new subjects. Most of his time was spent studying science either by observing things or going out into nature. His contribution on engineering innovation included designs for advanced weapons which included war vehicles, submarines and combat devices. He also had ideas on a helicopter, a calculator, solar power, a parachute, a tank and even a robot (Nichols, Catherine and Leonardo 105). It’s from these innovative drawings that most things came to be innovated in the later years. Mainly people used his ideas to complete the pictures he had in mind during those days.
Can CAD drawings completely replace the need for hand drawings in novel ideas?
The computer with its ability to organize and present data has transformed the aspects of the architects work ranging from simple sketches of an idea to more complex construction documents for contractors. Programs such as AutoCAD are being used to draw the hand drawings computed through interconnected databases. These computer-aided programs are replacing hand drawings in novel ideas, and this makes us wonder if our hands have started becoming obsolete as creative tools. The core aspect of drawings being an expression of the interaction between the mind, the hand and the eye is fading off. Drawings are not supposed to be just end products but rather a part of the architectural design process (Wakita, Richard and Nagy 67). Technology can be impressive but for me I feel that originality and the existence of people who value hand drawings like me, drawings will never completely replace hand drawings. Architecture will never divorce itself from drawing.
Describe how da Vinci’s hand drawings documented his imagination and creative thought.
Da Vinci did many drawings based on his imagination and the nature. These drawings included ideas of things that never existed at that time. It’s from his many sketches that historians and scholars have been able to use his creative imagination to draw greater insights. Many innovations were made based on the ideas he had put in the form of sketches. By utilizing his ideas and imaginations, it was easier to generate large volumes of ideas that were clearly understood. His imagination and creative thought were documented in his drawings on engineering innovations such as the helicopter, the parachute and a robot (Nichols, Catherine and Leonardo 106).

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