Posted: September 13th, 2017

Engineering Managment

Project description
write about the start-up airline: asian airs thiland.
follow the instructions:
1. Identify the factors that could affect their planning activity or strategy success / failure in view of current business environment subsequent development of its

Engineering organisation namely is with respect to either outsourcing or developing in-house Repair Activity.
2. Propose an organisation chart of the chosen airline / MRO Engineering Dept. keeping in view global best practises; refer to best- in-class examples by using

relevant established case studies. In other words, your proposed organisation should list the main heart of an organisation required sections such as planning,

technical services, Operations and warehouses.

3. Critically discuss business and marketing plans of this organisation that would form main ingredients of enhancing corporate overall performance (e.g. Financial).

4. Discuss the Control and Leading activities that are required to be adopted by Management of this organisation to ensure a success start-up of this new business and

what would be the best adopted Quality Assurance processes.

5. Summarise findings and recommendations and submit a report and be ready by due date. The report length is expected to be around 3500 words.

All used material studies and financial figures should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

Assessment Criteria for written report:

– Originality and knowledge of the material.
– The used literature and proper referencing
– Evidence of research and analytical thinking.
– Report layout and Formatting
– Overall assessment of following report main deliverables:

1. Evaluation of the influencing factors to Airline success/ Failure.
2. Marketing and Performance measurements
3. Organisation structure and overall Quality Assurance & standards.
4. Leadership & Overall Management Characteristics
5. Validity of results and Recommendation
must be done in exactly 48 or less plz.


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