Posted: September 13th, 2017

Engineering Maths

Engineering Maths

(a) Transpose the following formula to make v the subject
f _ u + v
(b) Solve the following equation to find the value of x:
(3.4)2″+3 = 8.5
(c) In the formula 0 = Ve L , the value of 6 = ‘58, V = 255,R = 0.1
and L = 0.5. Find the corresponding value of t.
(d) a) = lin i _ 1
h LO
FindLif a) = -2.6,Lo = 16 and h = 1.5.
(a) Use polynomial long division to determine the quotient when
3×3 – 5×23 + 1ox + 4 is divided by 3x + l
(b) Show, by polynomial long division that
3 _ 2 _ V
x 3x +12x 5:(x2_x+10)+ 15
x – 2 x -‘ 2

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