Posted: July 1st, 2015


Essay Assignment: Your task for this unit is to write a 750-1000 word observation essay. This essay will be about a person, place or activity that might be of interest to others. Your essay may be a brief profile of an individual based on one or two interviews; or, it could be a description of a place or activity you’ve observed a few times. Take notes as you carefully observe your subject(s), then draft (remember to do the peer evaluation) and revise your essay until you can present what you know in a way that both informs and engages readers. See the calendar to review the due dates.
Your essay will be graded in four equal parts: 1) How you engage and inform the reader by describing people and/or places; 2) Organization; 3) Builds a central idea through clear paragraphs and essay structure, and creates a single dominant impression of your subject; 4) Ease of reading (syntactical, mechanical and related distractions);

Note: This essay is worth 100 points.

Basically, observe something or someone and write an essay about them. It has to be something you can observe on your own, not on the tv or something. I was going to use Whole foods as an observation and how hectic and crazy it is and the types of people that come in and out.

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