Posted: September 13th, 2017



Order Description

Read another literary work by one of the writers we’ve encountered in class. Then compare this second work with the story or play read in class, making sure that there is a thesis (main idea) holding your discussion together.

For example, a thesis might be: Both “The Five Forty-Eight” and “The Trouble of Marcie Flint” speak to John Cheever’s interest in the drama of ordinary surburban life” or “Oedipus and Antigone both reflect the ancient belief in Fate as the guiding force in the life of human beings.”

*I read Oedipus the king. you can choose another story by Sophocles.* (the other story can be shorter)


Interesting Beginning
Identification of title of stories, play, or poem and authors
Thesis Statement


Topic sentences to introduce the main idea of each paragraph
Development of thesis with reference to scenes in the story
Inclusion of at least two direct quotations from the story


Restatement of thesis (not repetition)
Encapsulation of main ideas
Satisfying ending

Cite the website or book for both of your sources, using correct MLA format:
Include correct parenthetical citation in the body of the essay. Please make sure your essay is typed in Times New Roman 12-point font and looks like the sample essay you were given early in the term.

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