Posted: September 13th, 2017

english as a language of power

english as a language of power
This assessment task provides you the opportunity to research widely and independently; develop your note-taking and critical reading skills; and demonstrate your effective written expression. In this assessment you will demonstrate your attainment of the unit’s learning outcomes, which is why it is weighted at 30%.
Assessment Description
You must write an essay of 1,000 words in response to a question chosen from the list of questions to be released on vUWS at the beginning of week 10. The topic of the essay questions will be “English as a language of power”.

1. English is the only Global Language and other languages cannot compete with it. This means many languages will die out as a result. Is this a good or bad thing?

Respond to this question by using the following quotes to frame your answer.
“Perhaps a global language will…make all other languages unnecessary. ‘A person needs only one language to talk to someone else’, it is sometimes argued, ‘and once a world language is in place, other languages will simply die away’” (Crystal, 2003, p.15. bold in the original).
“An indication of English’s international status is the fact that most, if not all, nations around the world have official government policies dealing with the status of English as a domestic issue…English is either perceived as a threat, for example, to a nation’s language(s) or cultural identity, or it is considered to be an asset, economically (for instance” (Hale & Basides, 2013, p.7).


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