Posted: September 16th, 2017

ENGR 2080StatisticsResearch Project(20%)

ENGR 2080StatisticsResearch Project(20%)

You will choose a Statistics topic from the material that you learned this semester andwrite a report about your topic. You will conduct research on the background of the topic and include an example of how the statistical approach is used in modern Engineering.

o    Briefly describe the reason that you chose this topic
o    Briefly describe the importance of this statistical approach
•    Background:(˜ 1page)
o    Describe the statistics topic
o    Explain who invented the approach
o    Give  a historic background on how this technique came about
•    Importance in Statistics: (˜ 1-2 page)
o    Describe why this topic is important to statistics
o    Explain in which areas of our society this approach is important
•    Importance in Modern Engineering: (˜ 1-2 page)
o    Describe why this topic is important to engineering in today’s world
o    Explain in which areas of engineering this approach is most important
•    Example of Statistical Technique: (1/2  page)
o    Make up a real world example problem of your choosing and analyze the solution to this problem using the statistical approach that you chose. It would be best for you to use Excel for this, but you are welcome to use any software you like.
o    Briefly describe what the importance is of the solution to your example problem.
•    Literature Cited:
o    At least 3 sources
o    Example Reference:[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, “Article Title”, Journal, Publisher, Location, Date, pp. 1-10.

NOTE: Here are some good sites for statistical data:

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