Posted: December 3rd, 2014

enterprenureship and venture creation

enterprenureship and venture creation

Project description
Entrepreneurship assignment

1) this assignment argue dont describe consider that the reader have previous background of the subject so argue, debate ,state in your assignment

2)Debate what is entrepreneurship (EROS)


4) what are the entrepreneur characteristic
(slide2,1st week ) (pdf enterprenure personality)!

6)you should have a driven vision to carry out and achive as an enterprenure example : I make my own destiny ! this person thinks that they can change there

environment others may not think the same and would stop or what tell the environment change itself ! ***talk about the trade model this is the way you behave 1)

profite drives some enterprenure vision
2)environment changes enterprenual visssion because customer are changing ***
5)to get a good mark please add a good comparing of different theory

7) what drive an enterprenure 1)external control 2)internal control (china paper )and 1) Schumpeterian view paper theory 1or2 talk about disequilibrium
2)cursin talk about equilibrium and make a comparison between both

8)what are the social enterprenure chractristic ?
and how could you relate enterprenure to innovation

questions as your assessment title for semester A:
Q2) Present a critical review of the characteristics/traits of an entrepreneur with reference to at least three different categories of entrepreneurship. You need to

debate how the different characteristics/traits within an individual may affect the type of entrepreneurial area they choose to enter. Some characteristics/traits lend

themselves to certain types of people entering specific areas of entrepreneurship. You can include a small amount of case study within this assignment, purely to

emphasise your main debate. This must not exceed 500 words. (You might wish to choose between the “intrapreneur” “lifestyle entrepreneur” “social entrepreneur” “family

entrepreneur” “webpreneur” “rural entrepreneur” serial/portfolio entrepreneurs” these areas are listed as a guide only).

In each case we expect reference to at least 6 key authors and their theories of entrepreneurship; these needed to be debated and argued fully to obtain an assignment

pass. These should be argued and debated through a coherent, structured essay and the stronger essays will relate theories to real world examples of entrepreneurship.

The assignment should be presented as a scholarly essay with appropriate referencing, not as a business style report with short sub-sections and bullet points.

There is a 4000 word limit
The student needs to debate the many characteristics/traits that have been and can be associated with an entrepreneur. These again need to be debated in the

introduction starting with a foundation stage to a present day theoretical model. They need to identify at least 3 different entrepreneurial themes within debate,

giving clear indications as to how different characteristics/traits can be clearly associated with the different types of entrepreneurial businesses. The student needs

to demonstrate a good understanding/knowledge within their debate by using key theory to debate and argue how characteristics/traits can drive potential entrepreneurs

into certain sectors of business. This may be because they have a vision or passion, which needs to be framed within a balanced debate.

Part of their work can be in case study format in order to offer a greater debate and level of understanding of their argument. This must not exceed 500 words.

In assignments at least 6 key authors theories need to be used and debated. The assignment is 4000 words in length. All assessments are to be in Arial font size 11

with 1.5 line spacing and Full justification. Word count (excluding Title page, Reference List and Appendices) is +/- 10%.

Here are the list of what we studied in seminar and lectures and we can get an idea of what theories and lessons we took to start arranging the assignment !
Term 1:

Lecture dateLecture Topic Seminar Activity

Introduction to entrepreneurship its background and origins along with an explanation of the assessment criteria.
Topic: No seminar

Student activity: Read chapter 1 of Deakins and Freel/Paul Burns

Week: 2
K.BAn examination of the issues concerning entrepreneurship, and its contemporary meaning today. A detailed examination of mainstream theory and key authors theory.

Also, debate into how this can and does shape entrepreneurial thinking and argument.Topic: The theory of Entrepreneurship and its relationship with business.
Student activity: Look at Amazon as a case study.
Week: 3
K.BThe individual entrepreneur. Different types of business opportunity and how entrepreneurs spot opportunities.

Are they different from normal businesses? Build on the continuation of theory and various aspects of entrepreneurship.

Innovation, what is it?Topic: The different types of business opportunity that exists for new businesses.
Student activity: Examine the Uber taxi co New York. Please read for the debate and list what you feel are key entrepreneurial aspects

Week: 4
Gary Bosworth
Social Enterprises What role do they play and how are they different.Topic: What role do social enterprises have in society today?
Student activity: Students to research a business and trace its origins.
Week: 5
Karen Lowthrop
Hill Holt Wood, A social enterprise that sets out with a specific agenda and achieves it in a unique way.Topic: Social enterprise and business.
Student activity: Examine how social aspects can be turned into successful businesses. Find at least 1 example for your seminar discussion.

Week: 6
8th November
Gary Bosworth Rural entrepreneurs: Are they different? Also, are there different forms of business activity which are on the fringe that may be called

entrepreneurial?Topic: Are rural entrepreneurs different?
Student activity: Read papers by Ged McElwee on blackboard

Week: 7
Andy HarsleyAn entrepreneur in action. Putting theory to practiceTopic: Taking a business idea through to a successful conclusion
Student activity: Examine how opportunities present themselves and how they need to be acted upon.
Week: 8
Prof Ted Fuller
Prof Fuller will be debating the areas of risk and foresight.

Topic: What is risk?
Student activity: Please read the discussion papers given on blackboard. Prepare an argument on risk and levels of risk in relation to business.

Week: 9
Katy TuncerWomen entrepreneurs: How they make it happen!Topic: Women and business
Student activity: Select a business started by a women and evaluate against key theory
Week: 10
Russell PayneHow to build and keep growing an entrepreneurial businessTopic: How do you keep growing an entrepreneurial business
Student activity: Areas you need to be aware of in business.
Week: 11
Julie Taylor
GTI ConsultancyHow can a franchise be entrepreneurial?Topic: How can a readymade business be entrepreneurial?
Student activity: Select a franchise for the seminar debate.

: Indicative reading that may relate and help for assignment work
Core Texts
Burns, P. (2011), Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 3rd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, London
Burns, P. (2013), Innovation and Strategy in Large Organisations, Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Carter, S (2012) Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy. Pearson. London.
Deakins, D. & Freel, M., (2009), Entrepreneurship and Small Firms, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, London
Kirby, D. (2003), Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, London

Additional Recommended Reading
Wickham, P., (2004), Strategic Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey; ISBN: 0273682261
Wilson, D. & Rosenfeld, R., Managing Organizations, (1998), 2nd Edition, 1998, McGraw-Hill
De Wit B. &
Added on 22.11.2014 19:16
this is assessment guid and next



Open Forum Assignment

Order Description

Open Forum Assignment
– Please submit TWO articles from the news media with different sociological forms (utilizing newspapers, magazines, or internet) and discuss their differences with

the class. Three to five minutes per article is more than enough time.
– A copy of the original article must be stapled to the open forum. It must be typed and double spaced.
• If you do not discuss the article points will be deduced from the assignment.

Format: Since you are choosing two distinct articles the open forum should be a total of 4 pages.
*Please do NOT re-type the entire articles
*Cover page NOT included in page count
?1) Introduction/Briefly describe the articles!
?2) Why did you choose those articles?
?3) Any weakness in the articles? (Something not covered in the articles that you think should have been included?)
?4) What are the strengths of the articles? (Best points!)
?5) Apply the articles to two sub fields of sociology and explain how they incorporate/Over all summary.

Cover page with only the following information:



Linguistics Movie and response paper

Order Description

Cooperative Principle: Choose one of the 4 maxims of the cooperative principle (quantity, relevance, manner, or quality) and break it with at least 3 different people

(family members, friends, etc.) who do not know you are purposely violating a maxim. Immediately after the conversations, write down each person’s response to your

violation. For example, if you violate the maxim of relevance by announcing your love of baseball while watching the Packers game, you may receive strange looks,

follow-up questions regarding your knowledge of sports, or other-initiated repairs such as “you mean football?” Then, provide a 2-3 page response paper that includes

the maxim you broke, a brief description of how you broke it, the reactions of at least 3 people to the violation, and the significance of the maxim on maintaining

successful communication. (You are encouraged to discuss your experiment with your participants after you have written down their reactions.)


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