Posted: September 13th, 2017

Entrepreneur Interview

Entrepreneur Interview

Order Description

You are required to interview an entrepreneur. The format is to rewrite the questions (1-6) with the entrepreneur’s answer to follow. A major portion of the grade will be question #7, your evaluation and recommendations. It is suggested to use a business or similar business selected for the start-up feasibility study. Service businesses such as real estate firms, insurance agencies, or software companies are not acceptable. The business must be a bricks and mortar type of company. You would need to submit a 2-3 page report of their findings along with their recommendations to improve the business. Remember, there are no perfect companies. Every company can be improved.

A. Visitation – visit a firm that is the same as or similar to the one you have chosen for your small business (its Starbucks) start-up plan.
B. Questions – the following is a list of subjects to discuss with the founder/owner:
1. Legal Structure – Corporation (C or Sub S), Limited Liability Company, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship?
2. Goals and Objectives
3. Marketing mix
4. Personnel – organization chart, how do they recruit?
5. Finance – how did they fund the original start-up capital?
6. Internet – do they have a web site/e-commerce?
7. Recommend Improvements – from what you saw and heard, what changes would you make?

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