Posted: September 16th, 2017

Entrepreneurial self-analysis

Entrepreneurial self-analysis

This is a reflective self-analysis. Its aim is to get you to use the academic skills learned at Business School 1 to help you assess whether you have the character traits and other characteristics of an entrepreneur and to reflect on the implications of this.
1    Complete the GET test on: Explain the meaning of the results (see chapter 2). A copy of your test results must be submitted with your report.
2    Provide evidence that supports (or contradicts) these results. For example:
a.    Other psychometric tests such as the ‘AULIVE’ creativity test on:  Please acknowledge the use of any test results that have been submitted on other MBA assessments.
b.    Examples of your actions and behaviours over your life and business career.
3    Give a brief account of the antecedent influences on your character traits such as education, family background, work experience etc., linking specific influences with specific traits wherever possible
4    Reflect on and provide conclusions about your character traits and the implications for your career aspirations.

Marks for this assessment will be awarded as bellow. There is a grading grid for this assessment in the Appendix to the Handbook.
?    Critical evaluation of profile from GET2 report                25%
?    Supporting or contradictory  evidence for evaluation                25%
?    Analysis of antecedent influences                        25%
?    Reflection, conclusions & implications                    25%

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