Posted: September 17th, 2017

Environment in the Media

1) Pick a current report from the media (since May 2015) about the environment in Europe. Go to the Environment in the News section of the Blackboard site & you will find lots of links to major media outlets such as the BBC or the New York Times. Scroll down to the bottom and you will find 3 sample news stories from the BBC, the New York Times and the Weather Network. If you choose an article from another source, send me the link so I can look it over for you.
2) Choose an article with a long-term or historical perspective and build on this perspective using the list of readings.
3) Choose an article that is lacking an historical perspective and critique or comment on how a present-day focus affects the report.
Topics could be:
• global warming
• climate change
• epidemics and disease (public health responses such as to the Ebola virus or vaccination practices)
• landfills
• recycling
• an oil spill
• energy use
• population growth
• species extinction or regeneration
• invasive v. native plants
• agricultural practices
• the use of natural resources such as the cod or herring fishery, coal, cotton, wool, beaver pelts
• wood or timber (as fuel, as timber for shipbuilding or houses, as ties for railroads)
• sources of energy such as wind, coal, peat
• water (for water mills or transportation)
• a river (or how a watercourse was made into a canal or a hydroelectric dam)
• a lake (reservoir)
• mining
• compare discussion of the use of a natural resource today with the historical use of a different (perhaps a depleted) natural resource
4) Once you have chosen the media report then go to the ‘Environmental History reading List by topic for Environment in the Media assignment’ in Environment in the News section of the Blackboard site. You will find a list of peer-reviewed journal articles, books, e-books, chapters of books and websites to help you look at the topic historically. You must use and cite at least three of these sources. No random internet surfing! Google is not always your friend. You could use one of the required readings for the topic on the course outline, but earn points for initiative and going beyond the required reading.
Each topic for our course has web links and resources on Blackboard too. Have a look at the theme of your chosen topic on our Blackboard site to see if there are any resources to help you.
A copy of the chosen media report must be submitted with the assignment.

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