Posted: September 16th, 2017

Environmental Autobiography

Environmental Autobiography

Order Description

Identify one or two outdoor environments from your childhood and youth (between birth and 17 years of age) that are important to your own value system and/or are

associated with fond memories. Integrating ideas from at least two different class readings, write an essay depicting important and valued meanings you associate with

environments of your past. Briefly identify the environment in both objective (e.g., Where is it? What did you do there?) and subjective (e.g., How did you feel in

it?) terms. The major portion of the essay should be an explanation of your personal environmental meanings that applies conceptual material from class.

This lesson requires you to prepare an “Environmental Autobiography.”
All of us carry the images and values of childhood landscapes; those environments we encountered, smelled, listened to, explored, and valued during our younger years.

The images of these environments affect us in numerous and sometimes subtle ways. Understanding one’s own environmental history provides insight to one’s current

environmental values and ideal landscapes. The memorable landscapes of childhood and youth may directly shape adult values by influencing one’s interpretation of

current environments.
Identify one or two outdoor environments from your childhood and youth (between birth and 17 years of age) that are important to your own value system and/or are

associated with fond memories. Integrating ideas from at least two different class readings, write an essay depicting important and valued meanings you associate with

environments of your past. Briefly identify the environment in both objective (e.g., Where is it? What did you do there?) and subjective (e.g., How did you feel in

it?) terms. The major portion of the essay should be an explanation of your personal environmental meanings that applies conceptual material from class.
In this assignment, you are required to develop an “Environmental Autobiography” which allows you the opportunity to express your own personal views and values toward

nature and natural landscapes. Use textbook ‘Nash, R. (2014). Wilderness and the American Mind (5th edition). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press’ as readings.
The paper should include a cover page. If citations are used, they should be given to all references used throughout the text (APA format). Quotations taken from other

sources should be clearly designated with the use of quotation marks. All papers should be double spaced, 12 point font (Calibri, Arial, Garamond or Times New Roman)

with 1 inch margins. The text of the paper should be at least 5 pages and no more than 7 pages in length excluding the cover page and reference page.


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