Posted: September 16th, 2017

Environmental issue- Ecology.

Environmental issue- Ecology.

You are asked to write a personal reflection about what you have learnt and developed during the module and associated assessments. This should include the problem based essay ( topic: how to feed the growing global population), the communication exercise ( presentation of habitat de-fragmentation ) and the lecture diaries ( summary of each lecture).
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Module : Environmental issue- Ecology
You are asked to write a personal reflection about what you have learnt and developed during the module and associated assessments. This should include the problem based essay ( topic: how to feed the growing global population), the communication exercise ( presentation of habitat de-fragmentation ) and the lecture diaries ( summary of each lecture).
Lectures topics are:
1.    Conservation Biology
•    Global conservation priorites
•    Amplhilan and Reptile conservation issues
2.    Forestry
3.    Restoration ecology
4.    Introduced species in UK
5.    Human wildlife conflict
6.    Modelling pest and disease
7.    Population
8.    Climate change
9.    Eco-toxicology

Here are a few links to websites that might be useful when you are doing your personal reflection exercise at the end of the module.
It is worth 10% so worth taking some time to look at what ‘reflective practice’ and ‘reflective learing’ is to get the most out of the assessment.
Reflective learning:

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