Posted: September 13th, 2017

Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

Order Description

Course Textbook – Must have access to this textbook.
Kubasek, N. K., & Silverman, G. S. (2011). Environmental law (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Chapter 11, International Environmental Law, pages 401 – 445. Read the Case Study presented on pages 444 to 445 of the textbook. Read both sides of the argument (“Amend the WTO” and “Process and Production Methods Cannot be regulated”).

After you have read the Case Study, answer the following questions:

1. Should the WTO be amended to address the concerns of environmentalists?
2. Should process and production methods (PPMs) be regulated?
3. What are some fallacies within the Case Studies that you recognize? What further information could be provided to help you make your decision?

**Make sure you provide reasoning within your argument.

The Case Study should be thoroughly discussed in a minimum two-page paper based upon your readings (the two pages does not include the title page and reference page).

The text-book and any outside sources used to support your statements should be appropriately cited within the text using page numbers and APA style.

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