Posted: September 13th, 2017


Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with the study of knowledge,

that is, theories explaining it, different propositions held by philosophers about

knowledge, it definition, how it is acquired, and how one can tell he or she knows what

he or she claims to know. Generally it is an area of study that is greatly faced with

different ideals on what knowledge should be hence bringing up the issue of trying to

define knowledge with most philosophers define it as a justified true belief.

This further necessitates the need to know what is a belief, truth and justification

which then forms the basis of discussion and argument on various criticisms held by

people with different views and opinions. Therefore, a belief can be regarded as a

proposition held by an individual and thinks that it is true. On the other hand, truth is a

proposition in which there are no reasonable doubt that the belief is logic and finally

justification is offering a supportive evidence of what one claims to be true and to believe


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