Posted: September 13th, 2017

Ergonomic Evaluation Assignment

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Ergonomic evaluation assignment

GROUP COURSEWORK (25% of module mark)

Aim –You are required to work as a group to consider the ergonomics factors of a product or system of your choice and make recommendations for suitable improvements. The aim is to develop your understanding of how to apply ergonomics principles and methods to assess the design of products and systems and to develop your skills in communication.

Task – You should conduct this evaluation assignment in groups of three and should spend at least 8 hours per person on the work. You should ensure that each person contributes equally to the work* but may divide responsibility amongst the group so that you will be working individually and collaboratively to complete the work.

Submission – You need to submit the following:

  • A poster presented as a single slide in Microsoft PowerPoint (you do not need to print out your poster)
  • A short document (maximum 2,000 words or 5 sides of A4) summarising how you went about this project, what the poster shows, what resources you used, and who did what*.


Presentation – your group will need to present your poster in a ‘fast- style in the lecture on 2014, 4-6pm in Pope A14. Not every group member needs to present, but you must all attend the presentation. Each group will have 2-minutes to present their work.

The posters/presentations will be marked by two assessors from the Human Factors Research Group according to the following criteria:

Criteria Mark awarded Weighting (Marks/100)
Problem identification, analysis and solution
Identification of relevant ergonomics issues 10
Recommendations for improvement 10
Presentation and communication
Poster presentation (clarity, layout) 15
Quality and clarity of verbal presentation 10


The report will be marked according to the following criteria:

Criteria Mark awarded Weighting (Marks/100)
Clear statement of objective (product/system, context of use and target users) 5
Use of appropriate methods to assess the problem 20
Critical analysis and recommendations 15
Reference to information sources used 7
Report presentation (clarity, organisation, neatness etc) 8

Getting started

The item you choose to evaluate is up to you: you may wish to look at a system as a whole or a specific product. You may choose to focus on a specific component (e.g. signage, user comfort, environmental factors) or specific users (e.g. disabled users, partially sighted, etc). However, please remember that you do not have ethical approval to undertake studies on people.

Your poster will need to communicate your ideas as well as be eye-catching and engaging. Be careful not to make it too descriptive with lengthy blocks of text. Look at posters displayed around the Coates Building (there are good and bad examples!) to see how they’ve been designed to communicate different ideas. This may help you in designing your own poster. Your poster is a lesson in information visualisation so make it as effective as you can.

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