Posted: March 26th, 2015


Assignment 1: ESSAY

“It is recognised that effective teaching involves planning. When we plan a lesson as teachers we decide what to teach and how to teach it”.
Part A.
Critically discuss how these decisions are determined by the following factors:
1.    The Syllabus
2.    Diverse student learning  needs (including literacy levels, learning disabilities)
3.    Previous assessment data  ie. data or information collected by the teacher about a student’s previous performance/ understanding or skill development
4.    National Professional Standards for Teachers

Part B.
Find a lesson plan that applies to your Method.  Some useful websites to get you started are provided below.
Analyse whether the four factors discussed in Part A inform your chosen lesson plan.  Where the above factors are included discuss how they inform the lesson plan and if some of the factors are not considered in the lesson plan discuss how you would incorporate them to improve the lesson plan.

Length: 2000 words

What do I need to submit?
•    Assignment –
•    A signed cover sheet (found at the end of this Learning Guide
•    Marking standards for Assignment 1 (found in this Learning Guide

? Submission details
•    Submit a draft of your assignment to Turnitin by the day before the assignment is due so you have time to review your Originality Report and edit your work.
•    Submit an electronic copy of your final assignment to Turnitin by 25th March 4.59pm (Do not include your cover sheet but do include your reference list) AND
•    Submit a paper copy of this assignment (i.e. the same one you submitted to Turnitin) by 25THMARCH 5PM by placing it in YOUR TUTOR’S ASSIGNMENT BOX
•    Assignments submitted after the due date and time, without an approved extension, will be penalised 10% per day for late submission.
•    You must keep a copy of your assignment.
Assignment 1 Details
In order to complete this assignment you need to:
Research the essay question and address PART A and PART B
Assessment criteria
•    Analysis of factors
•    Literature
•    Application of factors to lesson plan
•    Academic Writing
•       Presents work professionally, with clear academic writing and within the word/time limit and uses APA referencing style correctly, including competently integrating evidence.
Examples of assignment 1
There are no past exemplars as this is a new unit but some examples identified as a distinction/credit/pass can be found in the assessment folder on the Unit’s vUWS site.

Assessment Standards
The assessment standards outline what is expected for each of these criteria in order to pass this assignment, and to gain higher grades of credit, distinction and high distinction. All markers use these standards when assessing your work and you are strongly advised to use them to self-assess prior to submitting your assignment.

Introducing Olympic Day

1. Outline to the students that as a class they are going to plan, organise and run an Olympic Day, to be held later in the year. Give a brief overview of some of the highlights of Olympic Day, explaining the importance of class participation. Explain that each student in the class will do a range of activities including taking on a specific role, learning more about a range of Olympic sports, deciding on some sports for their Olympic Day and making posters to promote Olympic Day.

Olympic symbols

1. Show the class a range of Olympic symbols (ie video, photos etc).
2. Outline that the meaning and the values of Olympism are conveyed by symbols – the rings, flag, motto and flame. Explain to the class that these symbols transmit a message in a simple and direct manner. They give the Olympic Movement and the Games an identity.

”The Olympic rings, flag, motto and flame are important symbols which convey the Olympic message”

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3. Distribute Student handout – Olympic symbols. As each symbol is discussed, have students complete the task on the handout.

Rings – ??

1. Explain that the Olympic rings are one of the most easily identifiable signs in the world, and everyone immediately associates them with the Olympic Games. Ask a student to read aloud the following in Korean:

“The five rings represent the five continents. They are interlaced to show the universality of Olympism and the meeting of the athletes of the whole world during the Olympic Games.” Olympic Day Resource 4
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2. Ask the class to think of some objects and items on which they might find the Olympics rings. Brainstorm their responses.
3. Ask students to write the colors of the Olympic rings in the target language on their worksheet.

Flag – ?

1. Ask a student to read aloud the following quote by Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic Games:

“The Olympic flag […] has a white background, with five interlaced rings in the centre: blue, yellow, black, green and red […] This design is symbolic; it represents the five continents of the world, united by Olympism, while the six colours are those that appear on all the national flags of the world at the present time.” (1931)

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2. Ask the class to explain the purpose and meaning of these words. Explain the symbolism of the interlaced rings and the colours from the national flags, referring to samples if you have them.
3. Ask students to write the names of the continents represented by the Olympic rings in Korean on their worksheet.

Africa    ????
America (North, Central & South)    ????(?, ??, ?)
Asia    ???
Australia    ??
Europe    ??

Motto – ??
1. Explain that a motto is a phrase which sums up a life philosophy or a code of conduct to follow. The Olympic motto is made up of three Latin words: CITIUS ALTIUS FORTIUS which means FASTER – HIGHER – STRONGER –
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2. Ask students to write the Olympic motto in the target language on their worksheet.

Flame – ??

1. Explain to the class that the Olympic flame is one of the best-known features of the Games. A very precise ritual is followed in regard to the lighting of the flame, the relay route it follows and the arrival of the flame at the stadium.
2. Ask students to write or draw about a favourite memory of seeing the Olympic flag being lit. (Perhaps on the back of their worksheet)

Conclusion & Reflection

1. Ask students to choose their favourite Olympic symbol from those discussed in this lesson. Provide a sentence structure for them to share their favourite symbol. For example,

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