Posted: October 18th, 2016

essay summarizing, applying, and critiquing the concept of McDonaldization

Write a 2 to 4 page essay summarizing, applying, and critiquing the concept of McDonaldization.
The essay should discuss the concept called McDonaldization, and identify and describe its defining characteristics.
Apply the process of McDonaldization to an institution other than fast food or retail stores. This could include hospitals, education, churches, vacations, etc. Discuss how the characteristics of McDonaldization apply to this specific institution. Evaluate the impact of the McDonaldization of this institution on your life and the lives of others.
Overall, what do you think of the pervasiveness of McDonaldization and the consequences of this trend in society?
Finally, discuss what communities, individuals, and you can do to resist McDonaldization; or, if you do not want to resist McDonaldization discuss why.

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