Posted: April 29th, 2015

Essay Topic: Lessons of the Cold War

Essay Topic: Lessons of the Cold War

Order Description


Be sure to follow all formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus. Your final work product must have a cover page with a word count, an essay that is 3-4 pages in length and a works cited page. The minimum writing requirement expectation is two full pages in your own words (excluding citations). If the minimum expectations are not met, the assignment will be marked incomplete. Be sure to provide a proper citation in MLA or APA format for all works consulted on a separate works cited page.

Essay Questions:
– What was the Cold War (1945-1991) and why was it given that title?
– Why was the United States seen as the “winner” in the Cold War? How was this accomplished without nuclear war?
– What are the major lessons of the Cold War? How are those lessons impacting foreign policy decisions today? Provide an example using current events.
– What lessons have not been taken into account in modern American foreign policy decisions? What risks are associated with repeating the mistakes of the past?
– How can the “War on Terror” be characterized as a by-product of the Cold War?
– Can the lessons from the Cold War era provide a strategy for victory in current and future conflicts?

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