Posted: September 11th, 2015

Ethical Issue in Information Technology

Research Topic Selection
Topic Selection – Research on an existing or emerging IT-related technology and related ethical issues (3%)
• This project is the first phase of your research paper. The emphasis on this paper is on digital technology and the ethical issue(s) with its use.
• There are some suggested topics listed next to the headings below that you may choose a topic of interest from any of the five headings.
• Topic Title – Begin with a topic title that describes what you’re writing about
• Explain briefly—one paragraph should be sufficient—why you selected this topic.
• Determine three critically important questions you would like to address regarding your topic when you complete your upcoming research narrative. Include a written description—1 or 2 sentences as a brief paragraph—for each question that includes why that question is critically important. These questions will form the thesis and starting point for your research and final written assignment, the Ethical Issue in Information Technology. Remember: the emphasis on this paper is on digital technology and the ethical issue(s) with its use
o The objective in developing and posing these questions is to stage your research and writing for the final C – 2 Issues Paper so that one or more ethical principles are applied and explained as a result of your research.
o This process helps you establish a thesis for your research that should be easily identifiable.
o Please make sure that I can identify the thesis statement
• Provide at least three proposed reference sources, at least two of which must be from the UMUC library databases (or an equivalent academic database in the United States).”

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