Posted: September 13th, 2017



Order Description

• While Carter’s three steps to integrity are a good judge of consistency between beliefs, speech, and action, it doesn’t have any way to address the fact that people

often have very different views of right and wrong. In these cases, how do we determine who is acting with integrity? Surely there are cases when we might disagree

with someone over what is “right” and still consider this person to be acting with integrity. But there are also cases when we disagree over what is “right” and

question that person’s integrity.
• In your thesis, add a 4th step to help us determine whether someone we disagree with is acting with integrity.
• Use three articles from Presence of Others (“The Rules about the Rules” + two of the articles below) to critique Carter’s definition of integrity:
• King, Jr, “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (163-177) • Clayton, “A Whole Lot of Cheatin’ Going On” (198-203) • Pollen, “An Animal’s Place” (204-223) • Mayer, “Whatever

it Takes” (252-274) • Yoo, “With All Necessary and Appropriate Force’” (275-277) • Bishop, “Enemies of Promise” (304-309) • Wilson, “Cars and Their Enemies” (320-330)

• What you need to use: an 8” x 11” blue book, blue or black pens • What you can use: the book Culture, printouts of the articles, annotations written
either in the book or on post-it notes, a paper dictionary. • What you cannot use: notes, drafts of the essay, electronic devices
What would you add to Carter’s definition of integrity?
•Keep an open mind—too vague •Respect those who disagree •Not be ashamed of your decision •Understand that the right actions are those that do not impose upon,

oppress, or otherwise
harm another individual without due cause. •Not be ashamed of your decision but be willing to accept defeat if proven wrong •A willingness to change
–How do we know this person will change or really wants to change? –…to my idea of right?
•A person cannot degrade other human beings and their beliefs without justification by the social standards of society.
•A person cannot commit violence.


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