Posted: September 13th, 2017

Ethics assignment

Write a 1,000 to 1,200 word report answering the following questions. Use 12 point New Times Roman font with 1” margins. 1. Focusing on pages 188 – 198, name the three (3) core ethical mandates that you hold are most important for your Hypothetical Nonprofit Organization (HNO). Support why these are key moral mandates for you. Not personal opinion or statements like “I believe that …” but rather a rational argument why these are such important moral standards. (40%)

2. From Ideals to Operative Values: How will you make sure that these moral mandates become operative within your HNO? (10%) 3. Go to the Independent Sector (IS) web page ( and look at its Mission, Vision and Values. Then under Key Documents, look at the IS Code of Ethics ( Answer the following questions (50%) •Summarize the most important points of its Code of Ethics, •Analyze the Code of Ethics for practical application, i.e., will it make a difference or is it just words on a paper to impress the reader? •Explain how you might use the information gleaned from this web page to create a Values statement of your own.

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